Sunday, October 23, 2011

Google Docs Presentation Revamp

Check out the new presentation editor rolled out on Google Docs. Really cool features on presentations.

To enable new editor, Open Google Docs, Use the Gear icon for Document setting and select the radio button for Create presentations with new editor...

I spent an hour trying out all the new features and these look awesome. A super cool revamp on Google Docs!

Quick Features
1. Insert Drawing ( free hand), shapes, ( even 3D blocks ), arcs, curves, lines
2. Animations on the objects
3. Transitions
4. Layouts (Title in the centre, at the top, only title, with subtitle .. )
5. Themes ( Though not that great )
6. Equations Symbols
7. Objects Fill mode, outline modes are awesome.
8. Align objects
9. Keyboard shortcuts

I tried to create a sample presentation checking out how easy these features are to use. Believe me they are amazingly easy!  For those who want to skip going through Google Docs help and try it out themselves, check out the presentation.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Two Quick Emacs tips

Two quick Emacs tips: These are really awesome

1. Opening compressed files in Emacs

Add the following line to your .emacs and open a .gz file directly in Emacs. 

(auto-compression-mode t)

Saves you hell lot of a time!

2. Renaming buffers/files when they are open

This is "wow" for an emacs user :)

There is a file that you are editing on on emacs. [An open buffer]. And now you want to rename this file and not only the buffer.

One way was to close the buffer, rename the file on shell and re-open again.
Another way was to just write the existing buffer into an entirely new file and name it the way you want. Basically you end up making a new "copy"

Another good way is to use emacs dired more. Lets assume you have an open buffer.
Open dired mode ( C-x C-d )
Open the directory in emacs.
Traverse to the file and press R (rename)
Rename the file to what you want.

The buffer too gets renamed in Emacs automatically and so the file on the disk!

Go Free,
Go Emacs!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thank you Steve!

I woke up to this news about Steve Jobs' death on the morning of October 6th and all I could do was to hold myself back in intense grief, that the day had come. I had not expected his cancer to be this quick and brutal. I was only left with inexplicable sadness in my heart and a deep breath to say 'This is n't fair'.

Admiration for Jobs starts with the moment you hold Apple devices in your hand. Your jaw just drops and a "Wow" gets uttered from your mouth involuntarily. This rarely happens with other products. I felt it when I opened up the iPod shuffle case, when I felt sleeky iPod Nano, when I fell in love with the iPod Touch, when I experience beauty with a Mac. It is "Magical".

This artist was like never before never again. An artist who paid intense attention to detail be it his remarkable designs, logos, his talks, his words, anything he created were a work of a genius.

I have always wondered how it would have been to be in the times of legends like Einstein, Edison, Tesla, Visveswaraiah, Vivekananda, Subhash Chandra Bose or Gandhi.. I think I know now. I am in the times when Steve Jobs created Revolutionary, Incredible, Insanely Great and Magical products, in the times when Steve Jobs lived.

You redefined "Magical".
Thank you Steve. R.I.P

Steve Jobs' thoughts / His message