I started this blog to document and keep a log of numerous new things which I work on and get to know in the passage of time. Retrospecting back in time when am 80, it would be fascinating to know what things I did during those various phases life. I regret not starting off this blog way back when I was a teen.
One of the most fascinating things I like working with is the editor Emacs and I intend to some posts on the things that I do with Emacs. I like sketching and I also intend to occasionally upload sketches that I do and try and make it more better with every other sketch. You might find some fiction and humor which are not actually fiction but have been related to some sort of things that happen in my life. I hope you have a nice time going through the blog.
As a disclaimer, the views expressed in this blog are solely mine and I do not expect to readers to either respect, decry or follow them!